Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Honoring "GUNS ACROSS AMERICA" Missouri Supporters & Speakers

Guns Across America-Missouri 

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American Gun Owners.
Armed, trained, and peaceful.

We believe exactly that. Gun Control, does result in drastic crime increases. Statistics prove that time and time again. Chicago is the perfect example. A city with the strictest gun laws in the nation, had 532 homicides in 2012. Australia has had their violent crime skyrocket, after their gun ban. The tragic Columbine shooting happened with so called "assault weapons," during the Clinton "assault weapons" ban. So much for gun control resulting in lower crime!

If somebody wants to do harm to another, they'll find a way. Whether it be a knife, gun, bat, pipe, wrench, or a rock! Imposing useless, and proven ineffective gun laws on American citizens, accomplishes one thing. It creates defenseless victims.

According to world renowned criminologist Dr. Gary Kleck from Florida State University, guns are used to stop some form of criminal assult approximately 650,000 times per year! That's roughly 12,500 times per week! Dr. Kleck further elaborates that a net decrease in firearms availability, does NOT yield any decrease in homicide, suicide, assault, rape, or burglaries. Actually, the exact opposite occurs. Dr. Kleck has determined that it actually creates substantially more victims.

We live in a world full of wonderful people. But we also have some evil people living among us. Please don't think that restricting firearms will cause violent crime to decrease. That's as big of a fantasy, as our world being filled with fairy god mothers, and unicorns.

Lawful gun owners use their weapon reluctantly and only in the gravest of danger. They exercise skill and discipline with their defensive training. Unlike police, a lawful gun owner will never give you a speeding ticket or tax you to provide you with protection.

Responsible gun owners have always acted as peacekeepers in society.

We acknowledge our responsibility to our well-being, and those around us. We acknowledge that laws are not followed by criminals, and valiantly stand opposed to restrictions on the tools we legally use for defense.

American Gun Owners.
Armed. Trained. Peaceful.

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